To view the Terms of Service of this community, click on the “Terms of Service” link available to you in the footer of this site. On the “Terms of Service” page, you will find the terms of services of our website.
To view the Privacy Statement of this community, click on the “Privacy” link available to you in the footer of this site. On the “Privacy Statement” page, you will find the privacy statements of our website.
No - only you can see your email address. Our members’ privacy and security are of the utmost importance so we have taken steps to prevent spammers and other undesirables from noting your address.
Although you can see your email address when you access your own profile, nobody else can see that information. Your email address is kept very securely and is not available to anyone else.
Reporting does not mean deletion of the content. Our site administrators will work on your report and the content will be deleted from this community if it is found to be abusive or inappropriate.
No, you cannot stop your content from being reported as spam or abusive. Any member can report any content / member on this community, if it is found unsuitable.
If your content is reported as abusive by any member on this community, no notification is sent to you. Our site administrators will verify the reports and if verified, they can delete your content. They can also delete your account, if you are continuously found to post spams or abusive content.
To block someone, please follow the steps below:
1. Go to the profile of the member that you want to block.
2. Click on the “Block Member” link on the left side of the page.
3. From the popup, click on “Block Member” to confirm that you want to block that member.
To Report any inappropriate content use the “Report” link available on the main content page.
For example, reporting a Blog:
1. Go to the “Blog” you want to report.
2. Click on the “Report” link available to you in the quick-links in the left side.
3. Fill up the form.
4. Click on “Submit Report” button to submit your report.