The reason why Notes feature is not available for your group could be that, you might have chosen a Package for your group for which the Notes App is not available. In this case, you can see if choosing a different Package with the Notes App suits you. You can change the Package for your group from the “Packages” section of your group Dashboard.
Availability of Packages for groups, and their features are conditional depending on the settings chosen by our site administrator.
You can search for a group Note using the detailed search box available in the “Notes” section under group navigation.
You can choose who all can write Notes for your group while creating your group, by choosing the appropriate option for the “Notes Creation Privacy” field. You can edit this privacy any time by clicking on the “Edit group Details” link for your group.
You can write Notes on your group in one of the following ways:
1. To write a Note, please follow the steps below:
a. Go to the group Profile.
b. Click “Notes” tab on the group Profile. You might have to click on the “More” tab to expand the menu bar to see “Notes”.
c. Click on “Write a Note” link from the top left corner of the “Notes” tab.
d. Fill up the form to write a note. To make your group Note attractive, use the WYSIWYG editor and upload a suitable image.
e. Now, when you’re done with filling up the form, select the status to “Published” for publishing the Note and to generate the feeds of note creation to update your group fans.
2. From the “Apps” section of your group Dashboard, click on the “Write a Note” button and follow the steps from ‘d’ to ‘e’ as in case 1 above.
There is no limit on the number of Notes that you can create for your group. You can create any number of Notes for your group.
The Notes App for your group gives you a publishing tool (just like a blog). Notes allow you to generate content for your group to share more information and connect with your audience. For every Note that you create for your group, you can have a main photo, and an album of the Note.