The reason why Events feature is not available for your group could be that, you might have chosen a Package for your group for which the Events App is not available. In this case, you can see if choosing a different Package with the Events App suits you. You can change the Package for your group from the “Packages” section of your group Dashboard.
Availability of Packages for groups, and their features are conditional depending on the settings chosen by our site administrator.
You can search for a group Event using the detailed search box available in the “Events” section under group navigation.
There is no limit to the number of Events that can be created in your group. You can create any number of Events in your group.
An event will automatically get closed on its end date. If you want to close an event of your group before its end date, then you can edit the Event and select a new end date for it. An Event of your group can also be deleted using the “Delete Event” option.
To be able to invite your friends to join an event, you should have first joined that event by clicking on the “Join Event” link on the main event group. After joining an event, you can invite your friends to it by clicking on the “Invite Guests” link available in the left quicklinks on the group Event’s Profile group.
You can choose who all can create Events on your group while creating your group, by choosing the appropriate option for the “Event Creation Privacy” field. You can edit this privacy any time by clicking on the “Edit group Details” link for your group.
You can add an Event to your group in one of the following ways:
1. To add an Event, please follow the steps below:
a. Go to the group Profile.
b. Click “Events” tab on the group Profile. You might have to click on the “More” tab to expand the menu bar to see “Events”.
c. Click on “Create an Event” link from the top left corner of the “Events” tab to add an event.
d. Fill up the basic details for your group Event.
e. Click on “Post Event”, to add an Event to your group.
2. From the “Apps” section of your group Dashboard, click on the “Create an Event” button and follow the steps from ‘d’ to ‘e’ as in case 1 above.
Events added to a group are showcased on the group’s Profile in its Events tab / section. Events created on your group enable your customers and fans to stay updated with the happenings of your group / organization. They can be used for many purposes like product launches, sports matches, competitions, celebrations, etc. Visitors to your group can join and share your events. They can also invite their friends to join the event.