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A Connection Path with another member will only be displayed if you have at-least one friend on this site. So, please make sure that you have some friends on this community.
Even after having some friends on this community, if you are still not able to see a Connection Path on the Profile Page of another member, then this could be because no inter-connecting friends were found which could establish a connection path.
The Connection Path block on the Profile Pages of other members of this community allows you to see the shortest connection path with them in an illustrative manner. You can see how a friend of yours, and their friend in turn connect you with that member. This block also shows the relationships between the connections. You can thus also use this block to gather references to contact and establish relationship with another member.
The Network Span block on your Homepage enables you to see the depth of your Social Graph by showing to you the number of your 1st level, 2nd level and 3rd level contacts. This block further leads you to explore these contacts. With this, you can see how powerful your network is, and how you can easily connect with more people to expand your social graph on this site.
A User Connection shows to you the web of your Social Graph, your shortest connection paths with other users and also how you know each other.